Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Conversations with an old friend. MAILBAG COMING SOON!

This is exactly what I have been getting at.

Mathematics is that language that unites and understands all things.

Biometric IDs just measure our imperfections against the GOLDEN ratio.

It exists in all things.


Every thing that exists can be simplified by a mathematical expression.

Chemistry is math, can't cook without it.

Physics is math, can't build anything without it.

It even explains "aliens" and "demons". It also explains the inner workings of higher forms of technology (magic).

What you need to know about most abduction experiences could easily be explained here in the video above.

This is the HOW explanation, notice how it differs from the WHY explanation below:

Notice how the WHY explanation has an agenda. It creates a FEAR mentality. It reinforces an US v.s THEM mentality. It does not however explain anything about HOW it works or HOW he came to really experience this.

I saw things I can't explain, but obviously I'm still here for a reason. I think we all have seen things we cannot explain. This is the first topic for MAILBAG.

Write about something you have seen that has no explanation mathematically or scientifically.

Remember it has to be something weird...


No fake ass shit. This is the point of the 2nd blog.

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